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🌸Wishing everyone a joyous New Year🌸

Food of Gods vanilla pods
Food of Gods Vanilla Pods
Food of Gods Vanilla beans


Andapa ‘Organic’ Vanilleschoten

Reichhaltige und cremige Noten, so wie Bourbon-Vanilleschoten bekannt sind. Gourmet-Vanilleschoten aus Madagaskar sind prall gefüllt mit Samen mit einem hohen Vanillingehalt. Schlitzen Sie die Bohne auf und kratzen Sie die Samen mit einem Paarungsmesser. Fügen Sie die Samen direkt zu pochierten Früchten oder Kompotten, Kuchen- und Plätzchenteigen, Puddings, Saucen und Marinaden für herzhafte Gerichte hinzu. Die ausgekratzte Bohne kann dann zum Aromatisieren eines Glases Zucker oder zum Aufgießen mit Wodka oder Rum verwendet werden, um zu Hause Vanilleextrakt herzustellen.

Lychees, tree frogs, cacao, chameleons

September 2024

Vanilla beans can dry out and lose its aroma if exposed to moisture and heat. The glass bottle allows you to store your beans in it after every use, only make sure to keep the bottle airtight.

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Vine Ripened & Slow Cured

The vanilla beans are late harvested only when fully ripened on the vine. The intricate & laborious process of hand pollinating each and every blossom of the ‘Vanilla Planifolia’ plant has kept the Randriamihaja family on their toes for 4 generations.

After the green beans are harvested, it takes up to 4 months to complete the traditional, slow-fermentation process - from sorting the green beans, washing, blanching, sweating, sun-drying, slow-drying under shade to finally conditioning the beans by experienced hands.

Recipes From Our Kitchen

Nolen Gur'er Shondesh

Nolen Gur'er Shondesh

Nolen Gur’er Shondesh is an irresistible, melt-in-the-mouth sweet delicacy from West Bengal in India where every bite can literally take you to heaven. Freshly prepared cottage cheese is kneaded with...

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Chola Cardamom Ras Malai

Chola Cardamom Ras Malai

A dreamy dessert from the Indian Subcontinent, Rasmalai is derived from the words 'ras' meaning juice & 'malai' meaning cream. Soft, cottage cheese balls are dunked in thickened full-fat milk infused...

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