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Food of Gods Cinnamon
Food of Gods Cinnamon


Cannelle « Heirloom » de Kandy


Texture élancée et cassante, sophistiquée et subtile au goût. Notre héritage Alba Cinnamon est une qualité rare de True Cinnamon qui n'est fabriquée qu'à partir d'écorces internes jeunes et tendres de Cinnamomum Verum ou True Cinnamon Tree. 

Aromatisez votre rhum ou votre whisky pour plus de sophistication ou infusez-les dans du thé pour détoxifier et guérir. Saupoudrez sur des tartes aux pommes, associez la cannelle à la muscade dans vos pains dorés ou préparez des currys aromatiques. La cannelle d'Alba est destinée aux cuisiniers, chefs et amateurs de gastronomie exigeants.

April 2024

Our true cinnamon quills can be easily broken into pieces with your hand. If the recipe calls for cinnamon powder, simple put small pieces in a grinder. You may also use the entire quill to infuse in any dish or break into smaller fragments to imbue its fragrance & aroma in hot beverages, curries et al.

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Shade-Dried & Hand-Rolled

The farm sits atop a mountainous hamlet in Ratnapura District, undisturbed & pristine.
As you look farther, the sight of lush & evergreen True Cinnamon trees merges with forest land, with indigenous King Coconut trees (known as Thæmbili) being the only obstruction to the eye. From a distant, the synchronised movements of skilled artisans scraping & peeling delicate cinnamon barks sound like a symphony. Tender barks are harvested early morning, the outer bark is gently scraped, hand-peeled & elegantly rolled into quills ~ nothing less than a piece of art we’d say ~ by craftsmen & women using age-old traditions that have been passed on for generations. The quills are slow dried under the shade, naturally.

The Making of Kandy Heirloom Cinnamon


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