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🌸Wishing everyone a joyous New Year🌸

Food of Gods Lakadong Turmeric
Food of Gods Lakadong Turmeric


Lakadong ‘Heirloom’ Turmeric

Lakadong is an incredibly potent heritage turmeric variety with a whopping 9.8% curcumin content vs an average of 1-2% in other turmeric varieties. This variety is the gold standard, so a few teaspoons in your everyday meals will work wonders. 

Cook delightful curries, bake desserts, stir into a cup of hot milk or apply it on your face for glowing skin. 

Khasi mandarins, pumpkins, ginger, chayotes, maize, tamarillos

January 2024

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Earth's Most Medicinal Turmeric Variety

A small women farmer community in Mulieh village & its surrounds traditionally grows & hand processes the world’s most medicinal turmeric variety. Lakadong turmeric stands out in potency, colour & flavour among the numerous turmeric varieties that are grown in India. Typical to every farm in the village, a diverse variety of pumpkin & chayotes are nurtured alongside lakadong turmeric plants. Khasi mandarins & maize are scattered across the farm, while pomelos and tamarillo trees are grown on the periphery. Farmyard manure is added to the already fertile mountain soil of West Jaintia Hills that receives abundant rainfall.

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