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🌸Wishing everyone a joyous New Year🌸

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We couldn’t have built a sustainable supply chain by merely partnering with bio-certified farms, but by supporting both indigenous communities who are practicing traditional farming in nondescript villages, as well as by working with visionary agriculturalists who are relentlessly pursuing regenerative farming and putting flavour & most importantly nutrition above yield. We focus on indigenous food origins in order to appreciate natural terroir over an introduced terroir as much as and where possible. We let our farm partners have the bargaining power to decide the value of their produce. This is not only fair or equitable, but is also a way of empowering them so they are able to continue their painstaking efforts towards traditional farming. We value their ancestral knowhow and the tireless tending that goes into bringing some of the finest and freshest single-estate spices to the Food of Gods community.

Love & good health

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Dieser Bereich enthält zurzeit noch keine Inhalte. Du kannst in der Seitenleiste Inhalte zu diesem Bereich hinzufügen.


Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Deine Bestellung ist für den kostenlosen Versand qualifiziert. Spend £45 more for free shipping, only in the UK
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