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🌸Wishing everyone a joyous New Year🌸

Food of Gods Cacao Nibs


Ashanti ‘Raw’ Kakao Nibs


Die reinste Form von Kakao~ Unsere rohen Kakaonibs sind einfach Fragmente von Kakaobohnen, die unter der tropischen Sonne sonnengetrocknet wurden. Es ist roh – also unverarbeitet und voller Kakaobutter! Es ist reichhaltig und buttrig mit bitteren und erdigen Geschmacksnoten. 

Fügen Sie Frühstückszerealien und Smoothies hinzu oder garnieren Sie Ihre Joghurts und Eisbecher.

Plantains, sugarcane, cassava, rare hard wood species & lush bamboo grove

The cocoa trees bears fruit throughout the year, therefore, harvests are done as and when there are enough matured fruits on the tree. Thanks to a natural water bed that flows underneath the estate!

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The traditional heap fermentation method, where the cocoa beans are wrapped with banana or plantain leaves and left to be fermented for a few days, along with the sun drying of the fermented beans gives the cocoa beans its complex flavour. Once dried, the beans are simply crushed into nibs, dehusked and sorted by hands. With a high cocoa butter content, it is the purest form of cacao that one can consume! Not roasted, not processed.


Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Deine Bestellung ist für den kostenlosen Versand qualifiziert. Spend €45 more for free shipping, only in the UK
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